Four Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculators in one: basic four function, 75 function scientific, user configurable scientific with macros, and programmer’s.
All the calculators have an operation history display for ease of reviewing computations and extensive in-app help documentation. Numbers can be copied to and pasted from the clipboard for ease of use with other applications.
Basic Four Function Calculator
The basic four function calculator displays numbers in fixed format.

Scientific Calculator
The scientific calculator has 75 built-in functions covering logarithms, powers, roots, trigonometric, date, time, memory operations, statistics, and probabilities and up to four user defined macro functions. It displays numbers in user configurable fixed, scientific, or engineering formats.

User configurable Calculator
The user configurable calculator has sixteen user configurable function buttons that can each be assigned two functions from 73 built-in functions and access an unlimited number of user defined macro functions. It displays numbers in user configurable fixed, scientific, or engineering formats.

Programmer’s Calculator
The programmer’s calculator has a hexadecimal keypad and displays numbers in user configurable hexadecimal format. It has four basic mathematics, six bitwise, and two shift functions.

Privacy Policy
No user data is collected or shared by this application. User configuration data and macros are stored on the user’s local device and iCloud storage, if enabled.
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